Need Iowa Manufactured Radio Pictures

Shenandoah Super Six Radio Console, located at the Shenandoah IA historical museum, home of Radio Station KMA.

We would like to illuminate our encyclopedia of Iowa radio manufacturers with pictures for all the different radio brands. If you have one of these radios and would like to help, please send us a nice picture to add to this website. Make sure you include the Model name and year of manufacture so we can include it in the description. We will identify you as the picture source on the site as well unless you specify otherwise. If you know of any other Iowa manufacturers that we don’t already have shown please let us know so we can add them.

Use our contact page to request an email address to send the pictures to. We had an email address here but it got spammed.

Free Membership Drive

Iowa Antique Radio Club & Historical Society

IARCHS-black-logoIf you like old radios, and specially if you are an Iowan, or live in one of our border states (Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota, or Wisconsin), we would like you to consider joining our Radio Club. We support Iowa manufactured radios with website information, and best of all try to connect collectors from everywhere. Membership is free, and the member experience is priceless. Consider joining today.